Gramer Konuları
A1 Seviye
- İngilizce alfabe ve harfler
- Telaffuz ve vurgu
- Sayılar
- Şahıs zamirleri
- Direct & Indirect object
- To be: “am” – “is” – “are”
- Artikeller: “a” – “an” – “the”
- Çoğul kuralları
- There is & There are
- Simple present tense
- İşaret zamirleri
- İşaret sıfatları
- İyelik sıfatları
- İyelik zamirleri
- Yer edatları
- “in” – “on” – “at”
- Saatler
- Günler
- Aylar
- Mevsimler
- Wh-questions
- Soru zamirleri
- Sıklık zarfları
- Present continuous tense
- Miktar sözcükleri
- Teklif ifadeleri
- Much & Many
- How much & How many
- Emir kipi
- And, but, or, nor, so, for
A2 Seviye
- So do I
- Ondalık sayılar
- Tercih ifadeleri
- Gelecek anlatımları
- Gerunds
- Infinitives
- Yön bildiren edatlar
- Possessive ‘s & of
- Type 0
- Comparatives
- Superlatives
- Sayılabilenler ve sayılamayanlar
- To be: “was” – “were”
- Simple past tense
- Have got & Has got
- Past continuous tense
- Present perfect tense
- Simple future tense
- Can
- Should
- Have to
- One & Ones
- Enough & Too
- A lot of & Lots of
- A few & Few
- A little & Little
- Some & Any
- Both & Neither
- Each & Every
- Each other & one other
B1 Seviye
- Anyone & No one
- Somebody & Some one
- Indefinite Pronouns
- Like – love – hate
- Present perfect continuous tense
- Must, might ve can’t ile olasılık
- İhtimal anlatan ifadeler
- Phrasal verbs
- Unless
- Type 1
- Type 2
- Intensifiers (Pekiştiriciler)
- İhtimal anlatan kelimeler
- Would rather & Prefer
- Do you mind …?
- Quantifiers
- Future coninuous tense
- Past perfect tense
- Must
- Used to
- Be used to
- Get used to
- Would
- Zero article
- Relative clauses
- Passive voice
- Reflexive Pronouns
- Collective nouns
- Tag questions
B2 Seviye
- Edilgen yapı (Passive voice)
- Future perfect tense
- Future perfect continuous tense
- Past perfect continuous tense
- Causative
- Participles
- Noun clauses
- Wish clauses
- Reported speech
- Indirect speech
- Tense uyumları
- Type 3
- Mixed Conditionals
- Sıfat sıralaması
- Must have V3
- Could have V3
- Would have V3
- Sebep sonuç bağlaçları
- Everything but
- Anything but
- All but
- Cleft Sentences
- Though, although, even though
- Despite, in spite
- Collocations
- Binomial pairs (İkileme)
- Future modals
- Compound adjectives
- Transitive & Intansitive Verbs