Phrasal Verbs

İngilizce Phrasal Verb Testi | Test 1

1. I can't find my keys. Can you help me _______ them?

2. We need to _______ this meeting because of the unforeseen circumstances.

3. She decided to _______ her old hobbies after years.

4. I'm sorry, we've _______ of milk. Could you buy some?

5. He's been sick, but he's _______ it now.

6. I haven't seen her for ages. I think I'll _______ her tomorrow.

7. We need to _______ a plan for the weekend.

8. I can't believe how fast my little brother is _______.

9. She decided to _______ the job offer after considering it for a week.

10. I'm trying to _______ on my homework, but it's so noisy in here!

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